Nordisk webinar om sosiale medier
Jobber du med sosiale medier og voksenopplæring? Vil du lære å bruke det bedre? Enten du er administrator, lærer, rektor, informasjonsansvarlig eller noe annet: Bli med på webinar 18. april og 18. mai! Webinarene går på engelsk, og det er helt gratis og veldig enkelt å delta.
Register deg på www.frae.is/webinar
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Litt mer om webinaret (engelsk)
Two Nordic Webinars on Social Media in adult education coming up
Are you working with social media and adult education? Do you want to learn how to use it better?
Join us on April 18th And May 18th if you are a teacher, headmaster, organiser, information officer or administrator in adult education.
18th of April: How to make social media? social
How can we through our work in social media invite people to contribute, involve and stay involved? How can we keep debates, discussions, groups and forums alive? How do we avoid our online services from dying, and turning into a “one way street” of information?
18th of May: How to make a strategy to survive in social media?
So you have your Facebook page. Your youtube channel. Your blog. Now what? How do you make them all work for you? How do you create a strategy to make sense of it all?
What is a webinar?
It is a one hour seminar taking place in your computer. All you need is an internet connection and a headset with a microphone. You must register in advance. We will send the link to the Meeting Room the day before the webinar takes place to all registered participants.
In the meeting room you can see and hear the lecturer, see the slides, see the list of participants and chat with the others. You are also able to rise a hand by clicking the “rise hand symbol” and to ask your question or put your comments when the administrator gives you admission to speak.
Please note that there is a limited number of seats, and once the seminar is full we will close the registration.
The languge at these webinars is English.
These events are free of charge. They are organised by The NVL network groups Distans and Nordinfo.
Øyvind Krabberød